Download: GTA 4 Mods
This one im really proud of, really complex script, started with an request of CORE.MAX2010 to create engine fire and jet sound for jets, when i finished this task i tested the idea of using AI drivers in jets and worked very well, then the real complex script started.
To control the jet:
W (accel.)
S (desaccel.)
A (or numpad 4)
D (or numpad 6)
Shift (or numpad 8)
Control (or numpad 5)
numpad 7 - turn left
numpad 9 - turn right
X - Switch cam
Right click - Follow missile/bomb with camera
Space shoot missiles
Numpad0 - Shoot cannon
Q - Drop bomb
E - Release flare to avoid missiles (hold to release one by one)
F - Enter Jet / Exit Jet / Eject (if flying)
Left/Right help "drive" the jet while in the ground
0 - Spawn menu
Enter - Spawn select Jet in spawn menu, hold shift to spawn and start flying
2 - Spawn enemy
3 - Spawn fugitive
When on ground:
Left/Right (or numpads 7/9) - turn left or right
S - Break
XBox 360 controller controls:
Hold left and right Shoulders to see/hide jet spawn menu, use A to spawn on air or use X to spawn on ground
A - Shoot rockets
X - Shoot cannon
Y - Release flares
DPad Down - Drop bombs
B - Eject/Exit/Enter jet
Left Thumb stick - Pitch and Roll
Left/Right Shoulder - Turn left or right
Left Trigger - slow down
Right Trigger - Accelerate
You can have one list of jets to spawn, each one with custom configuration for weapons, engines, flaps, etc
To create the rocket lock feature i must list the possible targets in a list of vehicles, then use this calc to see if the object is close to center of aiming position:
Dim tmpDist As Double = v.Position.DistanceTo(Game.CurrentCamera.Position)
Dim tmpPos As Vector3 = Game.CurrentCamera.Position + Game.CurrentCamera.Direction * tmpDist
If v.Position.DistanceTo(tmpPos) < (tmpDist / 3) Then
mark the vehicle as an locked target...
end if
obs.: "v" is one vehicle in the possible targets list
The use of classes made easy to make the enemy jets do the same rocket lock on the player and control they flight
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